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Aquinas Library offers over 160 databases from these vendors: OCLC, EBSCO, ProQuest, JSTOR, and more. Choose from among the vendors listed here, or find what you need by subject in Aquinas College Library's research guides.
Your can access our Databases on or off campus:
When accessing these databases off-campus, you will be prompted for your Office 365 login. Login credentials for accessing e-books and journal articles off campus are the same as your Aquinas Office 365 account. If you need assistance, please email the librarian or the IT Helpdesk or call during opening hours at 615-297-7545, ex. 435.

  Nova et Vetera 

  The Thomist  


Publication cover image  New Blackfriars



 NPL Databases

(on campus access or

off campus use with NPL library card)



2020-2023 only


Google Scholar Search

You can use Google Scholar to find articles in our print journals by putting the title of that journal in the "Return articles published in" slot in advanced search.   Once you find an article you need, just go to our print magazine section in the main library or our back issue shelves in the "library office" to get it.

To enable links for digital content to which Aquinas Library subscribes, add Aquinas College Library as a library link under Settings in the top left dropdown menu.  WARNING: Not all open access articles found through Google Scholar are credible.  Use the How to Evaluate Sources guide in the help tab, or simply use our library's catalog search which also searches over 300 carefully evaluated open access collections.

Caveat: Google Scholar is best for libraries with extensive database subscriptions for access to content.

Need Further Assistance?

Still looking to add something extra to your research project? Check out the following link for more free resources.

Aquinas Library

4210 Harding Pike

Nashville, TN 37205

Aquinas Logo

Phone: 615-297-7545 ext.435

InterLibrary Loan: ext 435