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Biology Research Guide: Web resources

Highlighted website

The Biodiversity Heritage Library is a consortium of natural history and botanical libraries that cooperate to digitize and make accessible the legacy literature of biodiversity held in their collections and to make that literature available for open access and responsible use as a part of a global “biodiversity commons.”

Featured web resources

AlgaeBase  AlgaeBase is a database of information on algae that includes terrestrial, marine and freshwater organisms.

All the Virology on the WWW  This site is probably the best single virology site
available and it includes the "Big Picture Book of Viruses".

BEN (BioSciEdNet): a Digital Library of the Biological Sciences for Biology Teaching  A gateway to online collections of biology education resources.

Core Historical Literature of Agriculture  A core electronic collection of full-text agricultural resources published between the early nineteenth century and the middle to late twentieth century and selected for their historical importance.

DNA Interactive Interactive website that explores the history, structure, and applications of DNA research.

EnviroLink  Aggregates environmental websites and news sources.

Gray's Anatomy Online  Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body features 1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color—from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index with 13,000 entries ranging from the Antrum of Highmore to the Zonule of Zinn.

High Wire Press  This site hosts the largest repository of free, full-text life science articles in the world.

Integrated Taxonomic Information System  Provides comprehensive taxonomic information on plants, animals, fungi, and microbes of North America and the world.

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)  A national resource for molecular biology information.

Public Library of Science  PLoS is a nonprofit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource.

Tree of Life  The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history

World Wide Web Virtual Library: Biosciences World Wide Web Virtual Library: Biosciences This site is a gateway to numerous websites on bioscience topics (bichemistry, botany, genetics, etc)

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