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BIO 112

Is it a research article?

Examine the article and the journal it is published in and be sure that it meets the following criteria:

  • Where did you find it?
    • Did you find a citation for it in a subject-oriented index? (e.g. PsycLit, ERIC, Physical Education Index)
  • How are articles chosen for the publication?
    • Is the journal published or sponsored by a professional scholarly society or association?
    • Is there a list of reviewers (editorial board) inside the front cover of the journal on the first few pages? (This type of journal is known as a "juried" or "refereed" journal.")
  • What are the general characteristics of a scholarly journal article?
    • Is the article organized into at least two of the following sections:
      • Introduction or Literature Review
      • Theory or Background
      • Subjects
      • Methods
      • Results
      • Discussion
    • Does the article have a bibliography or list of references?
    • Does the title of the article reflect its content?
    • Is there an abstract at the beginning of the article?
    • Are the author's credentials listed?
    • Is the article based on either original research or authorities in the field (as opposed to personal opinion)?
    • Are there supporting diagrams or illustrations with the article?

(Information obtained from

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