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BIO 310

Essay Assignment

Research Paper
BIO 310  Ecosystems
Aquinas College
Fall Semester, 2014

The purpose of this activity is to enrich your knowledge of the resources, guidelines, and regulations to help secure healthy environments in the United States. 

Go to the Environmental Protection Agency website:

Familiarize yourself with the website and the wealth of information it contains. 

Go to the top tab and select “Laws and Regulations”. 

Select “By Topic” or “By Business Sector” (there are more business sectors available in the tab on the right) and see the scope of topics.

From these topics, you will choose a subject to research that you find interesting. You may also use the search window.  Your paper should be a well-developed essay on the importance of your selected topic as it relates to our environment. 

An example of selected topics are:

·       EPA Guidelines for Facilities Management of Food Wastes in the Retail Industry. 

·       Asbestos in Schools: Preserving Healthy School Environments in the Educational Service Sector.

Your paper must:

·       Be typed: New Times Roman (regular font), 12 point, double-spaced

·       Contain “in-text” citations (APA format: don’t worry, it is easier than MLA)

·       Reference page for works cited (APA format).  If you do not have an in-text citation for a reference, it should not be on your reference list.

·       Citations must include 4 additional references from a variety of sources beyond the inclusion of sources.  (They must be from 2 research articles, 1 book, 1 other website) No Wikipedia, please. Consult the Aquinas BIO 310 LibGuide for this course for guidance on Internet references.

·       Be a minimum of 3.5 pages/maximum of 5 pages in length, excluding the Reference page.

·       Be turned in BOTH by email to your instructor AND by hard copy, stapled, on the due date by the end of class.


This paper is worth a total of 100 points.

The due date is posted on your course calendar.  Each day the paper is late will incur a 10% penalty deducted from the final point total.

Not sure how or where to start?


Contact Maria Koshute, the Reference Librarian to schedule a research consultation at the Aquinas Library! E-mail:

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